Monday, September 19, 2011

1st Bread Experience

On my list of things to do today was make dinner. Not just a quick meal, but a pretty nice meal. Ginger, Sesame, Orange Chicken with squash and Homemade Bread. Oh yeah!
Well, I didn't know Miguel was planning on eating homemade bread before work, so it's a good thing our lovely family gave us a bread maker! Shout out to Uncle Dan and Aunt Ronda. :)
I made an express bread, which was better than I expected it to be. I am going to try a normal loaf, but I am quite pleased with not only my Oster Bread Maker, but me!
Now that Mike has so willing taken Miguel to work in exchange for his dinner, it's clean up time. ;)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Oh Poor Miguel... ;)

Pizza Pie Cafe Kisses

Update #2

Saturday sometimes sums up to a full work day and then just relaxing at home with the hubby. But, after working all day long, Ambria came home to a wonderfully clean bedroom, kitchen and bathroom that Miguel had worked on all day. During this time he invited Garrett and Caisa over to help him put up the curtains and hang our wall decor. :) Ambria was super surprised, and couldn't help but smother Miguel in kisses. *Yes, we still kiss, but what's new. ;)* Our apartment has started to look homey now, and we actually want to go home and spend time together.
After the little surprise, nap time ensued. No surprise there either! We have taken after our parents when it comes to naps. We just can't enough of them.
We had decided to go on a date with our cute married couple, Garrett and Caisa, that night as well. At 5:40 we met at the Logan Temple, which is super gorgeous by the way, and since the 6pm session was so crowded we ended up sitting in the chapel for quite sometime. But, it gave us an opportunity to spend a lot of time together, thinking and pondering our questions that we have had in our relationship the past little while. After a wonderful 6:30pm session with our fun loving couple, we made it over to Pizza Pie Cafe where they were having a special on their buffet. Such good pizza! :) I think Miguel stuffed himself silly... hahaha. I think we both like the variety of pizza that they have there, especially their dessert pizza.
Soon as dinner was done, we changed out of our dressy clothes into some grubbies for a finale of the Flour Tower game. The game consists of packing flour into a tower, placing a penny on top, and then cutting away the flour in hopes of some poor soul accidentally splitting the tower and having the penny fall off. When the penny falls off, the poor soul has to then push the penny towards the edge of the surface the tower was placed on with their nose! Miguel lost 3 times, and was covered in flour by the time we left. I only lost once, and the was the last one to lose as well. Yep, I'm a skilled Flour Tower player, I guess you could say. :)
I'll post some pictures and videos off of my as soon I as I get them off of my phone. :)


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Update #1

So, it's been a while since we've seen everyone who participated in our wedding. Mainly because mostly everyone lives in Oregon who helped out, but we do appreciate all that you did for us.

Miguel and I have been married for over a month now, a month and 2 days to be exact, and we couldn't be happier. Truly, it's been the best decision that we have made.

Now to keep those who are wondering what we have been up to in the last month or so, I will go over a brief overview of our life (school, social & work consumed):

School: Miguel is taking 13 or 14 so credits in Aeronautical Engineering, and for those of you who know about engineering classes, I never see him. He has class every day starting MWF at 8:30am and TR at 10:00am. He has been overloaded with homework galore, and still manages to find time to spend with his wifey everyday. :)
Ambria, that's me, actually can't decide what she wants to do with her life. She is taking a break from school so she can help support our little family of 2. We'll keep you up to date with how that is going.

Social: We both are still pretty active with our social life, for the most part. Both of us still hang out with our pals from last semester.
Ambria went on an adventure with Caisa Shoop last night. She went to a Salsa & Chip and then Zumba later that night. It was so much fun! But, she didn't realize that she was pretty out of shape. Hahaha
Miguel plays with Garrett Shoop and Mike Greer on a regular basis, whether that is at school or when we have a little bit of time off. Movies or playing at the park are the in activities for the boys. That, or going through the drive-thru at Carl's Jr at midnight.

Work: Both of us are working at the moment. Miguel is working at Fox's Pizza Den MWF and some Saturdays really late at night; Ambria is still working for Avis Fridays and Saturdays. She is currently searching for a new job that will help sustain both of us for the next little while. But, it will happen, just as long as we are doing what is the most correct. :)

We still need to write our "Thank You" Cards to everyone that sent us a wedding gift... Oops. It will happen though. We promise! :)

So for now, we are just playing it by ear and learning to love and grow up with one another.

Ambria & Miguel

And For That Brief Moment, Everyone Thought We Were Gone...

Dear Everyone Who Thought We Fell Off The Face of the Universe,

We decided that we would show you that we haven't disappeared, but are still alive and kickin'.
School has decided to take over our lives as well as work. Married life has consumed a lot of our social life as well (minus the time we want to use Garrett & Caisa's internet and invite Mike over for the ride).

Don't worry though. This blog was intended to help you recover from our brief moment of absence, and we hope you enjoy it!

Miguel & Ambria